Design of Redux-go v2

Redux is a single flow state manager. I porting it from JS to Go at last year. However, there had one thing make me can't familiar with it, that is type of state! In Redux, we have store combined by many reducers. Then we dispatch action into store to updating our state. That means our state could be anything. In JS, we have a reducer like:

const counter = (state = 0, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "INC":
      return state + action.payload
    case "DEC":
      return state - action.payload
      return state

It's look good, because we don't have type limit at here. In Redux-go v1, we have:

func counter(state interface{}, action action.Action) interface{} {
    if state == nil {
        return 0
    switch action.Type {
    case "INC":
        return state.(int) + action.Args["payload"].(int)
    case "DEC":
        return state.(int) - action.Args["payload"].(int)
        return state

Look at those assertions, of course it's safe because you should know which type are you using. So ugly, I decide to change them. Therefore, in v2, we have:

func counter(state int, payload int) int {
    return state + payload

Wait, what!!!? So I have to explain the magic behind it. First is how to get user wanted type of state. The answer is reflect package. How? Let's dig in v2/store function: New.

func New(reducers ...interface{}) *Store

As you see, we have to accept any type been a reducer at parameters part. Then let's see type: =Store=(only core part)

type Store struct {
    reducers []reflect.Value
    state    map[uintptr]reflect.Value

Yp, we store the reflection result that type is reflect.Value. Why? Because if we store interface{}, we have to call reflect.ValueOf each time we want to call it! That will become too slow, state will have an explanation later. So in the New body.

func New(reducers ...interface{}) *Store {
    // malloc a new store and point to it
    newStore := &Store{
        reducers: make([]reflect.Value, 0),
        state:    make(map[uintptr]reflect.Value),
    // range all reducers, of course
    for _, reducer := range reducers {
        r := reflect.ValueOf(reducer)
        // Stop for while

Ok, what is checkReducer? Let's take a look now!

func checkReducer(r reflect.Value) {
    // Ex. nil
    if r.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
        panic("It's an invalid value")

    // reducer :: (state, action) -> state

    // Missing state or action
    // Ex. func counter(s int) int
    if r.Type().NumIn() != 2 {
        panic("reducer should have state & action two parameter, not thing more")
    // Return mutiple result, Redux won't know how to do with this
    // Ex. func counter(s int, p int) (int, error)
    if r.Type().NumOut() != 1 {
        panic("reducer should return state only")
    // Return's type is not input type, Redux don't know how would you like to handle this
    // Ex. func counter(s int, p int) string
    if r.Type().In(0) != r.Type().Out(0) {
        panic("reducer should own state with the same type at anytime, if you want have variant value, please using interface")

Now back to New

// ...
for _, reducer := range reducers {
    // ...
    newStore.reducers = append(newStore.reducers, r)

    newStore.state[r.Pointer()] = r.Call(
return newStore
// ...

So that's how state work, using a address of reducer mapping its state.=reflect.Value.Call= this method allow you invoke a reflect.Value from a function. It's parameter types required by signature. It always return several refelct.Value, but because we just very sure we only reutrn one thing, so we can just extract index 0. Then is state, why I choose to using pointer but not function name this time? Thinking about this:

// pkg a
func Reducer(s int, p int) int
// pkg b
func Reducer(s int, p int) int
// pkg main
func main() {
    store := store.New(a.Reducer, b.Reducer)

Which one should we pick? Of course, we can try to left package name make it can be identified. But next is the really hard:

func main() {
    counter := func(s int, p int) int { return s + p }
    store := store.New(counter)

If you think counter name is counter, that is totally wrong, it's name is func1. So, I decide using function itself to get mapping state. That is new API: StateOf

func (s *Store) StateOf(reducer interface{}) interface{} {
    place := reflect.Valueof(reducer).Pointer()
    return s.state[place].Interface()

The point is reflect.Value.Interface, this method return the value it owns. The reason we return interface{} at here is because, we have no way to convert to user wanted type, and user is always know what them get actually. For convenience we let users use any type for their state, so they don't need to do state.(int) these assertions. Now, you just work like this:

func main() {
    counter := func(s int, payload int) int {
        return s + payload
    store := store.New(counter)
    fmt.Printf("%d\n", store.StateOf(counter)) // expected: 80

These are the biggest break through for v2.

Date: 2018-05-17 Thu 00:00
Author: Lîm Tsú-thuàn