NOTE: scribble and xelatex
scribble is a useful tool to create nice documents, however, with
Chinese(any unicode character) it might produce some weird empty box for
them. To solve this problem we need to create style.tex
% style.tex \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Kaiti TC} % reduce word spacing \spaceskip \fontdimen 2 \font % auto line breaks \XeTeXlinebreaklocale "zh"
Kaiti TC
can be changed to any supported fonts on your machine.
Then we have our scribble document.
; test.scrbl #lang scribble/manual @(require scribble/core) @title{Title} @author+email["Danny" "[email protected]"] @para[#:style 'pretitle]{ @elem[#:style (make-style "fontsize" '(exact-chars))]|{8pt}{12pt}| @elem[#:style "selectfont"]} 中文
Using command: scribble ++style style.tex --latex test.scrbl
, it
should produce test.tex
, then eval xelatex test.tex
should produce
. That is!