NOTE: Practical issue in de Bruijn indices
Two years ago, I have a post about de Bruijn indices. I don't think de Bruijn indices order is important, it turns out, that's wrong!
1. Introduction
What's the order of indices? It means we have two choices
- converts
- converts
and the second one is better in practice! Because with this encoding, we can work with prepending-list better.
2. Expand
Let's see how this works, first, we need a conversion from surface/concrete syntax to our core form.
(: depth : Sexp -> Nonnegative-Integer) (define (depth t) (match t [`(λ (,x) ,body) (add1 (depth body))] [`(,f ,a) (max (depth f) (depth a))] [else 0])) (: convert : (->* (Sexp) ((Immutable-HashTable Symbol Nonnegative-Integer)) term)) (define (convert t [name->index (make-immutable-hash '())]) (match t [`(λ (,x) ,body) (S.lam (convert body (hash-set name->index (cast x Symbol) (depth body))))] [`(,t1 ,t2) ( (convert t1 name->index) (convert t2 name->index))] [x (S.var (hash-ref name->index (cast x Symbol)))]))
This is boring, anyway just record how depth we go that far and refer them back for variables.
3. evaluation(\(\beta\)-reduction)
- variable case: we use a helper function =proj=(stands for projection in environment). I will go back to this core function later.
application case:
- evaluate function to get the value of function.
- evaluate argument to get the value of argument.
Then we have two cases.
- value of lambda case: apply lift host-lambda to get result
- Not a lambda: prepare a stuck application form.
- lambda case: create a host-lambda, which will evaluate its body(binder) with extended environment!
(: eval : Env Term -> Val) (define (eval env t) (match t [(S.var i) (proj env i)] [( t u) (let ([t- (eval env t)] [u- (eval env u)]) (match t- [(V.lam f) (f u-)] [else ( t- u-)]))] [(S.lam binder) (V.lam (λ (u) (eval (cons u env) binder)))]))
Here, since environment is prepended, we can simply count down the counter recorded in the variable. When the counter is zero, the value is what we are looking for, or it's a stuck variable.
(define (proj env i) (match env ; returns a stuck since we don't always have value in environment in lambda calculus [null (V.var i)] [(cons v env) (if (= i 0) v (proj env (sub1 i)))]))
3.1. Run it
(eval '() (convert '(((λ (v) (λ (f) (f v))) k) (λ (x) x)) (make-immutable-hash '((k . 100)))))
4. Appendix
4.1. Environment
(define-type Env (Listof Val))
4.2. Term
(define-type term (U S.var S.lam (struct S.var ([v : Nonnegative-Integer])) (struct S.lam ([binder : term])) (struct ([fn : term] [arg : term]))
4.3. Value
(define-type Val (U V.lam V.stuck)) (struct V.lam ([host-lambda : (Val -> Val)])) (define-type V.stuck (U V.var (struct V.var ([v : Nonnegative-Integer])) (struct ([fn : Val] [arg : Val]))