[NOTE] High performance graph encoding

Record the signature of high-performance graph encoding1:

1. Compact representation

structure Edge (β : Type) where
  target : Nat
  weight : β

structure Vertex (α : Type) (β : Type) where
  payload : α
  adjacencyList : Array (Edge β) := #[]

structure Graph (α : Type) (β : Type) where
  vertices : Array (Graph.Vertex α β) := #[]

This is a very smart definition, ignore weight and payload.

  1. A Vertex stores a list of adjacencies edge
  2. Edge stores the index of vertex in the big array vertices

It brings a very compact, low-memory layout.

2. Appendix: Algebraic Graph

Following the concept Algebraic Graph2, one can add three functions for this implementation:

2.1. vertex

Create a graph with only one vertex

def vertex (v : Vertex α β) : Graph α β := ⟨#[v]⟩

2.2. overlay

overlay two graph, but since the indicies of vertices are changed, implementation must rewrite them

def overlay (g₁ g₂ : Graph α β) : Graph α β := {
  -- must rewrite all g₂ edge target, it will be shifted by g₁.vertices.size
  vertices :=
    ++ g₂.vertices.map
      (λ v => { v with
        adjacencyList := v.adjacencyList.map (λ e => { e with target := e.target + g₁.vertices.size })})

2.3. connect

connect g₁ to g₂, except overlay indicies problem, implementation should also consider the new adjacencies:

Every vertices in g₁ should have a new adjacencies to each vertices in g₂

def connectW (g₁ g₂ : Graph α β) (w : β) : Graph α β := {
  vertices :=
    let shift := g₁.vertices.size
    let connects : Array (Edge β) :=
      |> List.range
      |> List.map (λ i => { target := i + shift, weight := w })
      |> List.toArray
    let m := g₁.vertices.map (λ v => { v with
      adjacencyList := v.adjacencyList.append connects
    ++ g₂.vertices.map
      (λ v => { v with
        adjacencyList := v.adjacencyList.map (λ e => { e with target := e.target + g₁.vertices.size })})

def connect [Inhabited β] (g₁ g₂ : Graph α β) : Graph α β := connectW g₁ g₂ default

Since this implementation requires weight, but we not always care about it, so I provide both:

  1. connectW for customized weight
  2. connect for the people who just want default value (requires Inhabited β)


Date: 2023-06-28 Wed 00:53
Author: Lîm Tsú-thuàn