open import Data.Parity.Base
open import Data.Parity.Properties
open import Data.List using (List)
  renaming (
    _∷_ to _l∷_; [] to l[]; _++_ to _l++_;
    map to lmap
open import Data.Vec
open import Data.Vec.Properties
open import Data.Nat using ()
  renaming (_<_ to _ℕ<_; _≥_ to _ℕ≥_)
open import Data.Fin using (
    Fin; suc; zero;
    fromℕ; fromℕ<;
open import Data.Fin.Properties
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Empty

_Cups :   Set
n Cups = Vec Parity n

open Parity
initS : 5 Cups
initS = 0ℙ  0ℙ  1ℙ  1ℙ  0ℙ  []

target : 5 Cups
target = 1ℙ  1ℙ  1ℙ  1ℙ  1ℙ  []

-- To prove it's impossible to start from `initS`, with update two indicies as the only action, get `target`
-- we need to think about two things
-- 1. what's "all" actions on `n Cups`
-- 2. how to reduce the states, for example, the difference between position
--      0ℙ ∷ 0ℙ ∷ 1ℙ ∷ 1ℙ ∷ 0ℙ
--      vs
--      0ℙ ∷ 0ℙ ∷ 1ℙ ∷ 0ℙ ∷ 1ℙ
--    is irrelevant here

-- A middle part for generating all possible actions, but turns out I didn't need these to prove the theorem
-- In fact, though `(i, i)` action is impossible in the real game, but it's not contribute into the proof
module Actions where
  half-actions :  {m}  Fin m  Fin m  List (Fin m × Fin m)
  half-actions cnt zero = l[]
  half-actions cnt x = ( cnt , pred x ) l∷ (half-actions cnt (pred x))

  -- 1. `(i, i)` should be skipped
  -- 2. except that we generate `n..0 × n-1..0` to get all possible indicies
  all-actions :  {n}  n Cups  List (Fin n × Fin n)
  all-actions {ℕ.zero} _ = l[]
  all-actions {ℕ.suc n'} (_  cups') =
    let cnt = fromℕ n'
        as = half-actions cnt cnt
        recur = all-actions cups'
    in as l++ (lmap  (a , b)  ( inject₁ a , inject₁ b)) recur)

-- to reduce the states, folding on `Partiy._+_` characterize the `n Cups`
-- the idea is that, whatever an action is, the possible cases are working on
--     (0ℙ, 0ℙ) -> (1ℙ, 1ℙ)
--     (0ℙ, 1ℙ) -> (1ℙ, 0ℙ)
--     (1ℙ, 0ℙ) -> (0ℙ, 1ℙ)
--     (1ℙ, 1ℙ) -> (0ℙ, 0ℙ)
-- 1. middle two are boring, because it's easy to see they're identical to the original Parity result
-- 2. the first case let no `⁻¹` turns to `⁻¹ ∘ ⁻¹`, but that means Parity has no changed
-- 3. the final case let `⁻¹ ∘ ⁻¹` turns to do nothing, and hence still stay at the same place
χ :  {n}  n Cups  Parity
χ [] = 0ℙ
χ (x  cups) = χ cups + x

-- because there have even `1ℙ`
lemma₁ : χ initS  0ℙ
lemma₁ = refl

lemma₂ : χ target  1ℙ
lemma₂ = refl

module Lemma where
  helper :  {p}  p ⁻¹  p + 1ℙ
  helper {0ℙ} = refl
  helper {1ℙ} = refl
  helper₂ :  {p}  p  p + 0ℙ
  helper₂ {0ℙ} = refl
  helper₂ {1ℙ} = refl
  helper₃ :  {p}  p  p ⁻¹ ⁻¹
  helper₃ {0ℙ} = refl
  helper₃ {1ℙ} = refl

  open ≡-Reasoning

  lemma :  {n}  (i : Fin n)  (a : n Cups)
     χ (a [ i ]%= _⁻¹)  χ a ⁻¹
  lemma zero (0ℙ  a') =
      χ a' + 1ℙ ≡⟨ sym helper 
      χ a' ⁻¹ ≡⟨ cong _⁻¹ helper₂ 
      (χ a' + 0ℙ) ⁻¹
  lemma zero (1ℙ  a') =
      χ a' + 0ℙ ≡⟨ sym helper₂ 
      χ a' ≡⟨ helper₃ 
      χ a' ⁻¹ ⁻¹ ≡⟨ cong _⁻¹ helper 
      (χ a' + 1ℙ) ⁻¹
  lemma (suc i') (0ℙ  a') =
      χ (updateAt a' i' _⁻¹) + 0ℙ ≡⟨ sym helper₂ 
      χ (updateAt a' i' _⁻¹) ≡⟨ lemma i' a' 
      χ a' ⁻¹ ≡⟨ cong _⁻¹ helper₂ 
      (χ a' + 0ℙ) ⁻¹
  lemma (suc i') (1ℙ  a') =
      χ (updateAt a' i' _⁻¹) + 1ℙ ≡⟨ sym helper 
      χ (updateAt a' i' _⁻¹) ⁻¹ ≡⟨ cong _⁻¹ (lemma i' a') 
      χ a' ⁻¹ ⁻¹ ≡⟨ sym (cong _⁻¹ (sym helper)) 
      (χ a' + 1ℙ) ⁻¹

-- The theorem is showing that, for any `n Cups`,
-- the action works on even cups will not change χ
theorem :  {n}  (i j : Fin n)  (a : n Cups)
   χ ((a [ i ]%= _⁻¹) [ j ]%= _⁻¹)  χ a
theorem i j a =
    χ (updateAt (updateAt a i _⁻¹) j _⁻¹) ≡⟨ lemma j (a [ i ]%= _⁻¹) 
    χ (updateAt a i _⁻¹)⁻¹ ≡⟨ ⁻¹-selfInverse (sym (lemma i a)) 
    χ a
   where open ≡-Reasoning
          open Lemma

-- and hence we claim, if χ is different,
-- it's impossible to move to another state
_⇒¬_ :  {n}  n Cups  n Cups  Set
a ⇒¬ b = χ a  χ b