# Partial elements

module foundation.partial-elements where


open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import foundation-core.propositions


## Idea

A {{#concept "partial element" Agda=partial-element}} of `X` consists of a
[proposition](foundation-core.propositions.md) `P` and a map `P → X`. That is,
the type of partial elements of `X` is defined to be

  Σ (P : Prop), (P → X).

We say that a partial element `(P, f)` is
{{#concept "defined" Disambiguation="partial element"}} if the proposition `P`

Alternatively, the type of partial elements of `X` can be descibed as the
codomain of the

    1   ∅     ∅
    |   |     |
  T | ∘ |  =  |
    ∨   ∨     ∨
  Prop  X   P T X

of [polynomial-endofunctors.md](trees.polynomial-endofunctors.md). Indeed, the
codomain of this composition operation of morphisms is the polynomial
endofunctor `P T` of the map `T : 1 → Prop` evaluated at `X`, which is exactly
the type of partial elements of `X`.

## Definitions

### Partial elements of a type

partial-element : {l1 : Level} (l2 : Level)  UU l1  UU (l1  lsuc l2)
partial-element l2 X = Σ (Prop l2)  P  type-Prop P  X)

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} (x : partial-element l2 X)

  is-defined-prop-partial-element : Prop l2
  is-defined-prop-partial-element = pr1 x

  is-defined-partial-element : UU l2
  is-defined-partial-element = type-Prop is-defined-prop-partial-element

### The unit of the partial element operator

unit-partial-element :
  {l1 : Level} {X : UU l1}  X  partial-element lzero X
pr1 (unit-partial-element x) = unit-Prop
pr2 (unit-partial-element x) y = x

## Properties

### The type of partial elements is a directed complete poset

This remains to be shown.

## See also

- [Copartial elements](foundation.copartial-elements.md)
- [Partial functions](foundation.partial-functions.md)
- [Partial sequences](foundation.partial-sequences.md)
- [Total partial functions](foundation.total-partial-functions.md)