# The universal property of pullbacks

module foundation.universal-property-pullbacks where

open import foundation-core.universal-property-pullbacks public


open import foundation.cones-over-cospan-diagrams
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.subtype-identity-principle
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import foundation-core.contractible-types
open import foundation-core.function-types
open import foundation-core.pullbacks


## Idea

The {{#concept "universal property of pullbacks" Disambiguation="types"}}
describes the optimal way to complete a diagram of the form

  A -----> X

to a square

  C -----> B
  | ⌟      |
  |        |
  ∨        ∨
  A -----> X.

## Properties

### Unique uniqueness of pullbacks

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {X : UU l3}
  (f : A  X) (g : B  X) {C : UU l4} {C' : UU l5}

    uniquely-unique-universal-property-pullback :
      ( c' : cone f g C') (c : cone f g C) 
      ( up-c' : universal-property-pullback f g c') 
      ( up-c : universal-property-pullback f g c) 
        ( Σ (C'  C)  e  htpy-cone f g (cone-map f g c (map-equiv e)) c'))
    uniquely-unique-universal-property-pullback c' c up-c' up-c =
        ( uniqueness-universal-property-pullback f g c up-c C' c')
        ( is-property-is-equiv)
        ( map-universal-property-pullback f g c up-c c')
        ( htpy-cone-map-universal-property-pullback f g c up-c c')
        ( is-equiv-up-pullback-up-pullback c c'
          ( map-universal-property-pullback f g c up-c c')
          ( htpy-cone-map-universal-property-pullback f g c up-c c')
          up-c up-c')

### The horizontal pullback pasting property

Given a diagram

  ∙ -------> ∙ -------> ∙
  |          | ⌟        |
  |          |          |
  ∨          ∨          ∨
  ∙ -------> ∙ -------> ∙

where the right-hand square is a pullback, then the left-hand square is a
pullback if and only if the composite square is.

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 : Level}
  {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {X : UU l4} {Y : UU l5} {Z : UU l6}
  (i : X  Y) (j : Y  Z) (h : C  Z)

    universal-property-pullback-rectangle-universal-property-pullback-left-square :
      (c : cone j h B) (d : cone i (vertical-map-cone j h c) A) 
      universal-property-pullback j h c 
      universal-property-pullback i (vertical-map-cone j h c) d 
      universal-property-pullback (j  i) h (pasting-horizontal-cone i j h c d)
      c d up-pb-c up-pb-d =
      universal-property-pullback-is-pullback (j  i) h
        ( pasting-horizontal-cone i j h c d)
        ( is-pullback-rectangle-is-pullback-left-square i j h c d
          ( is-pullback-universal-property-pullback j h c up-pb-c)
          ( is-pullback-universal-property-pullback i
            ( vertical-map-cone j h c) d up-pb-d))

    universal-property-pullback-left-square-universal-property-pullback-rectangle :
      (c : cone j h B) (d : cone i (vertical-map-cone j h c) A) 
      universal-property-pullback j h c 
      universal-property-pullback (j  i) h
        ( pasting-horizontal-cone i j h c d) 
      universal-property-pullback i (vertical-map-cone j h c) d
      c d up-pb-c up-pb-rect =
        ( i)
        ( vertical-map-cone j h c)
        ( d)
        ( is-pullback-left-square-is-pullback-rectangle i j h c d
          ( is-pullback-universal-property-pullback j h c up-pb-c)
          ( is-pullback-universal-property-pullback (j  i) h
            ( pasting-horizontal-cone i j h c d) up-pb-rect))

### The vertical pullback pasting property

Given a diagram

  ∙ -------> ∙
  |          |
  |          |
  ∨          ∨
  ∙ -------> ∙
  | ⌟        |
  |          |
  ∨          ∨
  ∙ -------> ∙

where the bottom square is a pullback, then the top square is a pullback if and
only if the composite square is.

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 : Level}
  {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {X : UU l4} {Y : UU l5} {Z : UU l6}
  (f : C  Z) (g : Y  Z) (h : X  Y)

    universal-property-pullback-top-universal-property-pullback-rectangle :
      (c : cone f g B) (d : cone (horizontal-map-cone f g c) h A) 
      universal-property-pullback f g c 
      universal-property-pullback f (g  h) (pasting-vertical-cone f g h c d) 
      universal-property-pullback (horizontal-map-cone f g c) h d
      c d up-pb-c up-pb-dc =
        ( horizontal-map-cone f g c)
        ( h)
        ( d)
        ( is-pullback-top-square-is-pullback-rectangle f g h c d
          ( is-pullback-universal-property-pullback f g c up-pb-c)
          ( is-pullback-universal-property-pullback f (g  h)
            ( pasting-vertical-cone f g h c d)
            ( up-pb-dc)))

    universal-property-pullback-rectangle-universal-property-pullback-top :
      (c : cone f g B) (d : cone (horizontal-map-cone f g c) h A) 
      universal-property-pullback f g c 
      universal-property-pullback (horizontal-map-cone f g c) h d 
      universal-property-pullback f (g  h) (pasting-vertical-cone f g h c d)
      c d up-pb-c up-pb-d =
        ( f)
        ( g  h)
        ( pasting-vertical-cone f g h c d)
        ( is-pullback-rectangle-is-pullback-top-square f g h c d
          ( is-pullback-universal-property-pullback f g c up-pb-c)
          ( is-pullback-universal-property-pullback
            ( horizontal-map-cone f g c)
            ( h)
            ( d)
            ( up-pb-d)))

## Table of files about pullbacks

The following table lists files that are about pullbacks as a general concept.

{{#include tables/pullbacks.md}}