# Infinitely coherent equivalences

{-# OPTIONS --guardedness --lossy-unification #-}

module foundation.infinitely-coherent-equivalences where


open import foundation.commuting-triangles-of-maps
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.retractions
open import foundation.sections
open import foundation.transposition-identifications-along-equivalences
open import foundation.universe-levels


## Idea

An {{#concept "infinitely coherent equivalence" Agda=_≃∞_}} `e : A ≃∞ B` from
`A` to `B` consists of maps

  f : A → B
  g : B → A

and for each `x : A` and `y : B` an infinitely coherent equivalence

  ∞-equiv-transpose-eq-∞-equiv : (f x = y) ≃∞ (x = g y).

Since this definition is infinite, it follows that for any `x : A` and `y : B`
we have maps

  f' : (f x = y) → (x = g y)
  g' : (x = g y) → (f x = y)

and for each `p : f x = y` and `q : g y = x` an infinitely coherent

∞-equiv-transpose-eq-∞-equiv : (f' p = q) ≃∞ (p = g' q).

In particular, we have identifications

  inv (f' x (f x) refl) : x = g (f x)
        g' y (g y) refl : f (g y) = y,

which are the usual homotopies witnessing that `g` is a retraction and a section
of `f`. By infinitely imposing the structure of a coherent equivalence, we have
stated an infinite hierarchy of coherence conditions. In other words, the
infinite condition on infinitely coherent equivalences is a way of stating
infinite coherence for equivalences.

Being an infinitely coherent equivalence is an inverse sequential limit of the

  ... ---> is-finitely-coherent-equivalence 1 f ---> is-finitely-coherent-equivalence 0 f.

## Definitions

### The predicate of being an infinitely coherent equivalence

record is-∞-equiv
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (f : A  B) : UU (l1  l2)
    map-inv-is-∞-equiv : B  A
    map-transpose-is-∞-equiv :
      (x : A) (y : B)  f x  y  x  map-inv-is-∞-equiv y
    is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv :
      (x : A) (y : B)  is-∞-equiv (map-transpose-is-∞-equiv x y)

open is-∞-equiv public

### Infinitely coherent equivalences

    {l1 l2 : Level} (A : UU l1) (B : UU l2) : UU (l1  l2)
    map-∞-equiv : A  B
    map-inv-∞-equiv : B  A
    ∞-equiv-transpose-eq-∞-equiv :
      (x : A) (y : B)  ∞-equiv (map-∞-equiv x  y) (x  map-inv-∞-equiv y)

open ∞-equiv public

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : UU l1) (B : UU l2)

  infix 6 _≃∞_

  _≃∞_ : UU (l1  l2)
  _≃∞_ = ∞-equiv A B

∞-equiv-is-∞-equiv :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {f : A  B}  is-∞-equiv f  A ≃∞ B
map-∞-equiv (∞-equiv-is-∞-equiv {f = f} H) = f
map-inv-∞-equiv (∞-equiv-is-∞-equiv H) = map-inv-is-∞-equiv H
∞-equiv-transpose-eq-∞-equiv (∞-equiv-is-∞-equiv H) x y =
  ∞-equiv-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv H x y)

map-transpose-eq-∞-equiv :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (e : A ≃∞ B) 
  (x : A) (y : B)  (map-∞-equiv e x  y)  (x  map-inv-∞-equiv e y)
map-transpose-eq-∞-equiv e x y =
  map-∞-equiv (∞-equiv-transpose-eq-∞-equiv e x y)

is-∞-equiv-∞-equiv :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (e : A ≃∞ B) 
  is-∞-equiv (map-∞-equiv e)
map-inv-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-∞-equiv e) =
  map-inv-∞-equiv e
map-transpose-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-∞-equiv e) =
  map-transpose-eq-∞-equiv e
is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-∞-equiv e) x y =
  is-∞-equiv-∞-equiv (∞-equiv-transpose-eq-∞-equiv e x y)

is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-eq-∞-equiv :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (e : A ≃∞ B) (x : A) (y : B) 
  is-∞-equiv (map-transpose-eq-∞-equiv e x y)
is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-eq-∞-equiv e x y =
  is-∞-equiv-∞-equiv (∞-equiv-transpose-eq-∞-equiv e x y)

### Infinitely coherent identity equivalences

is-∞-equiv-id : {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1}  is-∞-equiv (id {A = A})
map-inv-is-∞-equiv is-∞-equiv-id = id
map-transpose-is-∞-equiv is-∞-equiv-id x y = id
is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv is-∞-equiv-id x y = is-∞-equiv-id

id-∞-equiv : {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1}  A ≃∞ A
id-∞-equiv = ∞-equiv-is-∞-equiv is-∞-equiv-id

### Composition of infinitely coherent equivalences

is-∞-equiv-comp :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3}
  {g : B  C} {f : A  B}
  (G : is-∞-equiv g)
  (F : is-∞-equiv f) 
  is-∞-equiv (g  f)
map-inv-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-comp G F) =
  map-inv-is-∞-equiv F  map-inv-is-∞-equiv G
map-transpose-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-comp G F) x z p =
  map-transpose-is-∞-equiv F x _ (map-transpose-is-∞-equiv G _ z p)
is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-comp G F) x z =
    ( is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv F x _)
    ( is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv G _ z)

comp-∞-equiv :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} 
  B ≃∞ C  A ≃∞ B  A ≃∞ C
comp-∞-equiv f e =
    ( is-∞-equiv-comp (is-∞-equiv-∞-equiv f) (is-∞-equiv-∞-equiv e))

### Infinitely coherent equivalences obtained from equivalences

[transposing identifications along an equivalence](foundation.transposition-identifications-along-equivalences.md)
is an equivalence, it follows immediately that equivalences are infinitely
coherent equivalences. This argument does not require
[function extensionality](foundation.function-extensionality.md).

is-∞-equiv-is-equiv :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {f : A  B} 
  is-equiv f  is-∞-equiv f
map-inv-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-is-equiv H) =
  map-inv-is-equiv H
map-transpose-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-is-equiv H) x y =
  map-eq-transpose-equiv (_ , H)
is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-is-equiv H) x y =
  is-∞-equiv-is-equiv (is-equiv-map-equiv (eq-transpose-equiv (_ , H) x y))

∞-equiv-equiv :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2}  A  B  A ≃∞ B
∞-equiv-equiv e =
  ∞-equiv-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-is-equiv (is-equiv-map-equiv e))

## Properties

### Any map homotopic to an infinitely coherent equivalence is an infinitely coherent equivalence

is-∞-equiv-htpy :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {f g : A  B} 
  f ~ g 
  is-∞-equiv f  is-∞-equiv g
map-inv-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-htpy H K) =
  map-inv-is-∞-equiv K
map-transpose-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-htpy H K) x y =
  map-transpose-is-∞-equiv K x y  concat (H x) _
is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-htpy H K) x y =
    ( is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv K x y)
    ( is-∞-equiv-is-equiv (is-equiv-concat (H x) _))

### Homotopies of elements of type `is-∞-equiv f`

Consider a map `f : A → B` and consider two elements

  H K : is-∞-equiv f.

A {{#concept "homotopy of elments of type `is-∞-equiv`" Agda=htpy-is-∞-equiv}}
from `H := (h , s , H')` to `K := (k , t , K')` consists of a homotopy

  α₀ : h ~ k,

for each `x : A` and `y : B` a homotopy `α₁` witnessing that the triangle

               (f x = y)
              /         \
       s x y /           \ t x y
            /             \
           ∨               ∨
  (x = h y) --------------> (x = k y)
             p ↦ p ∙ α₀ y

commutes, and finally a homotopy of elements of type

    ( is-∞-equiv-htpy α₁
      ( is-∞-equiv-comp
        ( is-∞-equiv-is-equiv
          ( is-equiv-concat' _ (α₀ y)))
        ( H' x y))
    ( K' x y).

In other words, there are by the previous data two witnesses of the fact that
`t x y` is an infinitely coherent equivalence. The second (easiest) element is
the given element `K' x y`. The first element is from the homotopy witnessing
that the above triangle commutes. On the left we compose two infinitely coherent
equivalences, which results in an infinitely coherent equivalence, and the
element witnessing that the composite is an infinitely coherent equivalence
transports along the homotopy to a new element witnessing that `t x y` is an
infinitely coherent equivalence.

    {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (f : A  B)
    (H K : is-∞-equiv f) : UU (l1  l2)
    htpy-map-inv-htpy-is-∞-equiv :
      map-inv-is-∞-equiv H ~ map-inv-is-∞-equiv K
    htpy-map-transpose-htpy-is-∞-equiv :
      (x : A) (y : B) 
        ( map-transpose-is-∞-equiv K x y)
        ( concat' _ (htpy-map-inv-htpy-is-∞-equiv y))
        ( map-transpose-is-∞-equiv H x y)
    infinitely-htpy-htpy-is-∞-equiv :
      (x : A) (y : B) 
        ( map-transpose-is-∞-equiv K x y)
        ( is-∞-equiv-htpy
          ( inv-htpy (htpy-map-transpose-htpy-is-∞-equiv x y))
          ( is-∞-equiv-comp
            ( is-∞-equiv-is-equiv (is-equiv-concat' _ _))
            ( is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv H x y)))
        ( is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv K x y)

### Being an infinitely coherent equivalence implies being an equivalence

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {f : A  B}

  is-equiv-is-∞-equiv : is-∞-equiv f  is-equiv f
  is-equiv-is-∞-equiv H =
      ( map-inv-is-∞-equiv H)
      ( λ y 
        map-inv-is-∞-equiv (is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv H _ y) refl)
      ( λ x  inv (map-transpose-is-∞-equiv H x (f x) refl))

### Computing the type `is-∞-equiv f`

type-compute-is-∞-equiv :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (f : A  B)  UU (l1  l2)
type-compute-is-∞-equiv {A = A} {B} f =
  Σ (B  A)  g  (x : A) (y : B)  Σ ((f x  y)  (x  g y)) is-∞-equiv)

map-compute-is-∞-equiv :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (f : A  B) 
  type-compute-is-∞-equiv f  is-∞-equiv f
map-inv-is-∞-equiv (map-compute-is-∞-equiv f H) =
  pr1 H
map-transpose-is-∞-equiv (map-compute-is-∞-equiv f H) x y =
  pr1 (pr2 H x y)
is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv (map-compute-is-∞-equiv f H) x y =
  pr2 (pr2 H x y)

map-inv-compute-is-∞-equiv :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (f : A  B) 
  is-∞-equiv f  type-compute-is-∞-equiv f
pr1 (map-inv-compute-is-∞-equiv f H) =
  map-inv-is-∞-equiv H
pr1 (pr2 (map-inv-compute-is-∞-equiv f H) x y) =
  map-transpose-is-∞-equiv H x y
pr2 (pr2 (map-inv-compute-is-∞-equiv f H) x y) =
  is-∞-equiv-map-transpose-is-∞-equiv H x y

### Being an infinitely coherent equivalence is a property

is-prop-is-∞-equiv :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (f : A → B) →
  is-prop (is-∞-equiv f)
is-prop-is-∞-equiv = {!!}