# Function types

module foundation.function-types where

open import foundation-core.function-types public


open import foundation.action-on-identifications-dependent-functions
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.function-extensionality
open import foundation.homotopy-induction
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import foundation-core.dependent-identifications
open import foundation-core.equality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation-core.equivalences
open import foundation-core.homotopies
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.transport-along-identifications


## Properties

### Transport in a family of function types

Consider two type families `B` and `C` over `A`, an identification `p : x = y`
in `A` and two functions

  f : B x → C x
  g : B y → C y.

Then the type of dependent identifications from `f` to `g` over `p` can be
computed as

  ((b : B x) → tr C p (f b) = g (tr B p b))
  ≃ dependent-identification (x ↦ B x → C x) f g.

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y : A} (B : A  UU l2) (C : A  UU l3)

  tr-function-type :
    (p : x  y) (f : B x  C x) 
    tr  a  B a  C a) p f  (tr C p  (f  tr B (inv p)))
  tr-function-type refl f = refl

  compute-dependent-identification-function-type :
    (p : x  y) (f : B x  C x) (g : B y  C y) 
    ((b : B x)  tr C p (f b)  g (tr B p b)) 
    dependent-identification  a  B a  C a) p f g
  compute-dependent-identification-function-type refl f g =
    inv-equiv equiv-funext

  map-compute-dependent-identification-function-type :
    (p : x  y) (f : B x  C x) (g : B y  C y) 
    ((b : B x)  tr C p (f b)  g (tr B p b)) 
    dependent-identification  a  B a  C a) p f g
  map-compute-dependent-identification-function-type p f g =
    map-equiv (compute-dependent-identification-function-type p f g)

### Transport in a family of function types with fixed codomain

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1} {x y : A} (B : A  UU l2) (C : UU l3)

  compute-dependent-identification-function-type-fixed-codomain :
    (p : x  y) (f : B x  C) (g : B y  C) 
    ((b : B x)  f b  g (tr B p b)) 
    dependent-identification  a  B a  C) p f g
  compute-dependent-identification-function-type-fixed-codomain refl f g =
    inv-equiv equiv-funext

  map-compute-dependent-identification-function-type-fixed-codomain :
    (p : x  y) (f : B x  C) (g : B y  C) 
    ((b : B x)  f b  g (tr B p b)) 
    dependent-identification  a  B a  C) p f g
  map-compute-dependent-identification-function-type-fixed-codomain p f g =
      ( compute-dependent-identification-function-type-fixed-codomain p f g)

### Relation between `compute-dependent-identification-function-type` and `preserves-tr`

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {I : UU l1} {i0 i1 : I} {A : I  UU l2} {B : I  UU l3}
  (f : (i : I)  A i  B i)

  preserves-tr-apd-function :
    (p : i0  i1) (a : A i0) 
      ( compute-dependent-identification-function-type A B p (f i0) (f i1))
      ( apd f p) a 
    inv-htpy (preserves-tr f p) a
  preserves-tr-apd-function refl = refl-htpy

### Computation of dependent identifications of functions over homotopies

module _
  { l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  { S : UU l1} {X : UU l2} {P : X  UU l3} (Y : UU l4)
  { i : S  X}

  equiv-htpy-dependent-function-dependent-identification-function-type :
    { j : S  X} (H : i ~ j) 
    ( k : (s : S)  P (i s)  Y)
    ( l : (s : S)  P (j s)  Y) 
    ( s : S) 
    ( k s ~ (l s  tr P (H s))) 
    ( dependent-identification
      ( λ x  P x  Y)
      ( H s)
      ( k s)
      ( l s))
  equiv-htpy-dependent-function-dependent-identification-function-type =
    ind-htpy i
      ( λ j H 
        ( k : (s : S)  P (i s)  Y) 
        ( l : (s : S)  P (j s)  Y) 
        ( s : S) 
        ( k s ~ (l s  tr P (H s))) 
        ( dependent-identification
          ( λ x  P x  Y)
          ( H s)
          ( k s)
          ( l s)))
      ( λ k l s  inv-equiv (equiv-funext))

  compute-equiv-htpy-dependent-function-dependent-identification-function-type :
    { j : S  X} (H : i ~ j) 
    ( h : (x : X)  P x  Y) 
    ( s : S) 
    ( map-equiv
      ( equiv-htpy-dependent-function-dependent-identification-function-type H
        ( h  i)
        ( h  j)
        ( s))
      ( λ t  ap (ind-Σ h) (eq-pair-Σ (H s) refl))) 
    ( apd h (H s))
  compute-equiv-htpy-dependent-function-dependent-identification-function-type =
    ind-htpy i
      ( λ j H 
        ( h : (x : X)  P x  Y) 
        ( s : S) 
        ( map-equiv
          ( equiv-htpy-dependent-function-dependent-identification-function-type
            ( H)
            ( h  i)
            ( h  j)
            ( s))
          ( λ t  ap (ind-Σ h) (eq-pair-Σ (H s) refl))) 
        ( apd h (H s)))
      ( λ h s 
        ( ap
          ( λ f  map-equiv (f (h  i) (h  i) s) refl-htpy)
          ( compute-ind-htpy i
            ( λ j H 
              ( k : (s : S)  P (i s)  Y) 
              ( l : (s : S)  P (j s)  Y) 
              ( s : S) 
              ( k s ~ (l s  tr P (H s))) 
              ( dependent-identification
                ( λ x  P x  Y)
                ( H s)
                ( k s)
                ( l s)))
            ( λ k l s  inv-equiv (equiv-funext)))) 
        ( eq-htpy-refl-htpy (h (i s))))

## See also

### Table of files about function types, composition, and equivalences

{{#include tables/composition.md}}