# Whiskering homotopies with respect to concatenation

module foundation.whiskering-homotopies-concatenation where

open import foundation-core.whiskering-homotopies-concatenation public


open import foundation.universe-levels
open import foundation.whiskering-identifications-concatenation

open import foundation-core.equivalences
open import foundation-core.functoriality-dependent-function-types
open import foundation-core.homotopies


## Idea

Consider a homotopy `H : f ~ g` and a homotopy `K : I ~ J` between two
homotopies `I J : g ~ f`. The
{{#concept "left whiskering" Disambiguation="homotopies with respect to concatenation" Agda=left-whisker-concat-htpy}}
of `H` and `K` is a homotopy `H ∙h I ~ H ∙h J`. In other words, left whiskering
of homotopies with respect to concatenation is a
[whiskering operation](foundation.whiskering-operations.md)

  (H : f ~ g) {I J : g ~ h} → I ~ J → H ∙h I ~ H ∙h K.

Similarly, we introduce
{{#concept "right whiskering" Disambiguation="homotopies with respect to concatenation" Agda=right-whisker-concat-htpy}}
to be an operation

  {H I : f ~ g} → H ~ I → (J : g ~ h) → H ∙h J ~ I ∙h J.

## Properties

### Left whiskering of homotopies with respect to concatenation is an equivalence

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  is-equiv-left-whisker-concat-htpy :
    {f g h : (x : A)  B x} (H : f ~ g) {I J : g ~ h} 
    is-equiv (left-whisker-concat-htpy H {I} {J})
  is-equiv-left-whisker-concat-htpy H =
      ( λ x  is-equiv-left-whisker-concat (H x))

### Right whiskering of homotopies with respect to concatenation is an equivalence

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  is-equiv-right-whisker-concat-htpy :
    {f g h : (x : A)  B x} {H I : f ~ g} (J : g ~ h) 
    is-equiv  (K : H ~ I)  right-whisker-concat-htpy K J)
  is-equiv-right-whisker-concat-htpy J =
      ( λ x  is-equiv-right-whisker-concat (J x))