# Set truncations ```agda {-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-} module foundation.set-truncations where ``` <details><summary>Imports</summary> ```agda open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.effective-maps-equivalence-relations open import foundation.equality-coproduct-types open import foundation.functoriality-cartesian-product-types open import foundation.functoriality-coproduct-types open import foundation.mere-equality open import foundation.postcomposition-functions open import foundation.reflecting-maps-equivalence-relations open import foundation.sets open import foundation.slice open import foundation.surjective-maps open import foundation.truncations open import foundation.uniqueness-set-truncations open import foundation.unit-type open import foundation.universal-property-coproduct-types open import foundation.universal-property-dependent-pair-types open import foundation.universal-property-image open import foundation.universal-property-set-quotients open import foundation.universal-property-set-truncation open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation-core.cartesian-product-types open import foundation-core.contractible-types open import foundation-core.coproduct-types open import foundation-core.embeddings open import foundation-core.empty-types open import foundation-core.equivalences open import foundation-core.function-types open import foundation-core.functoriality-dependent-function-types open import foundation-core.functoriality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation-core.homotopies open import foundation-core.identity-types open import foundation-core.propositions open import foundation-core.truncation-levels ``` </details> ## Idea The {{#concept "set truncation" Agda=trunc-Set}} of a type `A` is a map `η : A → trunc-Set A` that satisfies [the universal property of set truncations](foundation.universal-property-set-truncation.md). ## Definitions ```agda trunc-Set : {l : Level} → UU l → Set l trunc-Set = trunc zero-𝕋 type-trunc-Set : {l : Level} → UU l → UU l type-trunc-Set = type-trunc zero-𝕋 is-set-type-trunc-Set : {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-set (type-trunc-Set A) is-set-type-trunc-Set = is-trunc-type-trunc unit-trunc-Set : {l : Level} {A : UU l} → A → type-trunc-Set A unit-trunc-Set = unit-trunc is-set-truncation-trunc-Set : {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) → is-set-truncation (trunc-Set A) unit-trunc-Set is-set-truncation-trunc-Set A = is-truncation-trunc ║_║₀ : {l : Level} → UU l → UU l ║_║₀ = type-trunc-Set ``` **Notation.** The [box drawings double vertical](https://codepoints.net/U+2551) symbol `║` in the set truncation notation `║_║₀` can be inserted with `agda-input` using the escape sequence `\--=` and selecting the second item in the list. ## Properties ### The dependent universal property of set truncations ```agda dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set : {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} → dependent-universal-property-set-truncation (trunc-Set A) unit-trunc-Set dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set = dependent-universal-property-trunc equiv-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : type-trunc-Set A → Set l2) → ((x : type-trunc-Set A) → type-Set (B x)) ≃ ((a : A) → type-Set (B (unit-trunc-Set a))) equiv-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set = equiv-dependent-universal-property-trunc module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : type-trunc-Set A → Set l2) (f : (x : A) → type-Set (B (unit-trunc-Set x))) where Π-trunc-Set : UU (l1 ⊔ l2) Π-trunc-Set = Σ ( (x : type-trunc-Set A) → type-Set (B x)) ( λ g → g ∘ unit-trunc-Set ~ f) function-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set : (x : type-trunc-Set A) → type-Set (B x) function-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set = function-dependent-universal-property-trunc B f compute-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set : function-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set ∘ unit-trunc-Set ~ f compute-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set = htpy-dependent-universal-property-trunc B f apply-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set' : (x : type-trunc-Set A) → type-Set (B x) apply-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set' = map-inv-equiv (equiv-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set B) f ``` ### The universal property of set truncations ```agda universal-property-trunc-Set : {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) → universal-property-set-truncation (trunc-Set A) (unit-trunc-Set) universal-property-trunc-Set A = universal-property-trunc zero-𝕋 A module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : Set l2) where equiv-universal-property-trunc-Set : (type-trunc-Set A → type-Set B) ≃ (A → type-Set B) equiv-universal-property-trunc-Set = equiv-universal-property-trunc A B apply-universal-property-trunc-Set : (t : type-trunc-Set A) → (A → type-Set B) → type-Set B apply-universal-property-trunc-Set t f = map-universal-property-trunc B f t map-universal-property-trunc-Set : (A → type-Set B) → hom-Set (trunc-Set A) B map-universal-property-trunc-Set = map-universal-property-trunc B triangle-universal-property-trunc-Set : (f : A → type-Set B) → map-universal-property-trunc-Set f ∘ unit-trunc-Set ~ f triangle-universal-property-trunc-Set = triangle-universal-property-trunc B Map-trunc-Set : (f : A → type-Set B) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) Map-trunc-Set f = Σ (type-trunc-Set A → type-Set B) (λ g → g ∘ unit-trunc-Set ~ f) apply-universal-property-trunc-Set' : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (t : type-trunc-Set A) (B : Set l2) → (A → type-Set B) → type-Set B apply-universal-property-trunc-Set' t B f = map-universal-property-trunc-Set B f t ``` ### The set truncation of `X` is the set quotient by the mere equality relation ```agda reflecting-map-mere-eq-unit-trunc-Set : {l : Level} (A : UU l) → reflecting-map-equivalence-relation ( mere-eq-equivalence-relation A) ( type-trunc-Set A) reflecting-map-mere-eq-unit-trunc-Set A = pair unit-trunc-Set (reflects-mere-eq (trunc-Set A) unit-trunc-Set) abstract is-set-quotient-trunc-Set : {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) → is-set-quotient ( mere-eq-equivalence-relation A) ( trunc-Set A) ( reflecting-map-mere-eq-unit-trunc-Set A) is-set-quotient-trunc-Set A = is-set-quotient-is-set-truncation ( trunc-Set A) ( unit-trunc-Set) ( λ {l} → is-set-truncation-trunc-Set A) module _ {l : Level} where abstract is-surjective-and-effective-unit-trunc-Set : (A : UU l) → is-surjective-and-effective ( mere-eq-equivalence-relation A) ( unit-trunc-Set) is-surjective-and-effective-unit-trunc-Set A = is-surjective-and-effective-is-set-quotient ( mere-eq-equivalence-relation A) ( trunc-Set A) ( unit-trunc-Set , reflects-mere-eq (trunc-Set A) unit-trunc-Set) ( λ {l} → is-set-quotient-trunc-Set A) abstract is-surjective-unit-trunc-Set : (A : UU l) → is-surjective (unit-trunc-Set {A = A}) is-surjective-unit-trunc-Set A = pr1 (is-surjective-and-effective-unit-trunc-Set A) abstract is-effective-unit-trunc-Set : (A : UU l) → is-effective (mere-eq-equivalence-relation A) (unit-trunc-Set {A = A}) is-effective-unit-trunc-Set A = pr2 (is-surjective-and-effective-unit-trunc-Set A) abstract apply-effectiveness-unit-trunc-Set : {A : UU l} {x y : A} → unit-trunc-Set x = unit-trunc-Set y → mere-eq x y apply-effectiveness-unit-trunc-Set {A = A} {x} {y} = map-equiv (is-effective-unit-trunc-Set A x y) abstract apply-effectiveness-unit-trunc-Set' : {A : UU l} {x y : A} → mere-eq x y → unit-trunc-Set x = unit-trunc-Set y apply-effectiveness-unit-trunc-Set' {A = A} {x} {y} = map-inv-equiv (is-effective-unit-trunc-Set A x y) emb-trunc-Set : (A : UU l) → type-trunc-Set A ↪ (A → Prop l) emb-trunc-Set A = emb-is-surjective-and-effective ( mere-eq-equivalence-relation A) ( trunc-Set A) ( unit-trunc-Set) ( is-surjective-and-effective-unit-trunc-Set A) hom-slice-trunc-Set : (A : UU l) → hom-slice (mere-eq-Prop {A = A}) (map-emb (emb-trunc-Set A)) pr1 (hom-slice-trunc-Set A) = unit-trunc-Set pr2 (hom-slice-trunc-Set A) = triangle-emb-is-surjective-and-effective ( mere-eq-equivalence-relation A) ( trunc-Set A) ( unit-trunc-Set) ( is-surjective-and-effective-unit-trunc-Set A) abstract is-image-trunc-Set : (A : UU l) → is-image ( mere-eq-Prop {A = A}) ( emb-trunc-Set A) ( hom-slice-trunc-Set A) is-image-trunc-Set A = is-image-is-surjective-and-effective ( mere-eq-equivalence-relation A) ( trunc-Set A) ( unit-trunc-Set) ( is-surjective-and-effective-unit-trunc-Set A) ``` ### Uniqueness of `trunc-Set` ```agda module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : Set l2) (f : A → type-Set B) {h : hom-Set B (trunc-Set A)} (H : h ∘ f ~ unit-trunc-Set) where abstract is-equiv-is-set-truncation' : is-set-truncation B f → is-equiv h is-equiv-is-set-truncation' Sf = is-equiv-is-set-truncation-is-set-truncation ( B) ( f) ( trunc-Set A) ( unit-trunc-Set) ( H) ( Sf) ( λ {h} → is-set-truncation-trunc-Set A) abstract is-set-truncation-is-equiv' : is-equiv h → is-set-truncation B f is-set-truncation-is-equiv' Eh = is-set-truncation-is-equiv-is-set-truncation ( B) ( f) ( trunc-Set A) ( unit-trunc-Set) ( H) ( λ {l} → is-set-truncation-trunc-Set A) ( Eh) module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : Set l2) (f : A → type-Set B) {h : hom-Set (trunc-Set A) B} (H : h ∘ unit-trunc-Set ~ f) where abstract is-equiv-is-set-truncation : is-set-truncation B f → is-equiv h is-equiv-is-set-truncation Sf = is-equiv-is-set-truncation-is-set-truncation ( trunc-Set A) ( unit-trunc-Set) ( B) ( f) ( H) ( λ {l} → is-set-truncation-trunc-Set A) ( Sf) abstract is-set-truncation-is-equiv : is-equiv h → is-set-truncation B f is-set-truncation-is-equiv Eh = is-set-truncation-is-set-truncation-is-equiv ( trunc-Set A) ( unit-trunc-Set) ( B) ( f) ( H) ( Eh) ( λ {l} → is-set-truncation-trunc-Set A) is-equiv-unit-trunc-Set : {l : Level} (A : Set l) → is-equiv (unit-trunc-Set {A = type-Set A}) is-equiv-unit-trunc-Set = is-equiv-unit-trunc equiv-unit-trunc-Set : {l : Level} (A : Set l) → type-Set A ≃ type-trunc-Set (type-Set A) equiv-unit-trunc-Set = equiv-unit-trunc equiv-unit-trunc-empty-Set : empty ≃ type-trunc-Set empty equiv-unit-trunc-empty-Set = equiv-unit-trunc-Set empty-Set abstract is-empty-trunc-Set : {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-empty A → is-empty (type-trunc-Set A) is-empty-trunc-Set f x = apply-universal-property-trunc-Set' x empty-Set f abstract is-empty-is-empty-trunc-Set : {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-empty (type-trunc-Set A) → is-empty A is-empty-is-empty-trunc-Set f = f ∘ unit-trunc-Set equiv-unit-trunc-unit-Set : unit ≃ type-trunc-Set unit equiv-unit-trunc-unit-Set = equiv-unit-trunc-Set unit-Set abstract is-contr-trunc-Set : {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-contr A → is-contr (type-trunc-Set A) is-contr-trunc-Set {l} {A} H = is-contr-equiv' ( A) ( equiv-unit-trunc-Set (pair A (is-set-is-contr H))) ( H) module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : Set l2) (f : A → type-Set B) (Sf : is-set-truncation B f) where abstract uniqueness-trunc-Set : is-contr ( Σ (type-trunc-Set A ≃ type-Set B) ( λ e → map-equiv e ∘ unit-trunc-Set ~ f)) uniqueness-trunc-Set = uniqueness-set-truncation (trunc-Set A) unit-trunc-Set B f ( λ {l} → is-set-truncation-trunc-Set A) ( Sf) equiv-uniqueness-trunc-Set : type-trunc-Set A ≃ type-Set B equiv-uniqueness-trunc-Set = pr1 (center uniqueness-trunc-Set) map-equiv-uniqueness-trunc-Set : type-trunc-Set A → type-Set B map-equiv-uniqueness-trunc-Set = map-equiv equiv-uniqueness-trunc-Set triangle-uniqueness-trunc-Set : map-equiv-uniqueness-trunc-Set ∘ unit-trunc-Set ~ f triangle-uniqueness-trunc-Set = pr2 (center uniqueness-trunc-Set) module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : Set l2) (f : A → type-Set B) (Sf : is-set-truncation B f) where abstract uniqueness-trunc-Set' : is-contr ( Σ ( type-Set B ≃ type-trunc-Set A) ( λ e → map-equiv e ∘ f ~ unit-trunc-Set)) uniqueness-trunc-Set' = uniqueness-set-truncation B f (trunc-Set A) unit-trunc-Set Sf ( λ {l} → is-set-truncation-trunc-Set A) equiv-uniqueness-trunc-Set' : type-Set B ≃ type-trunc-Set A equiv-uniqueness-trunc-Set' = pr1 (center uniqueness-trunc-Set') map-equiv-uniqueness-trunc-Set' : type-Set B → type-trunc-Set A map-equiv-uniqueness-trunc-Set' = map-equiv equiv-uniqueness-trunc-Set' triangle-uniqueness-trunc-Set' : map-equiv-uniqueness-trunc-Set' ∘ f ~ unit-trunc-Set triangle-uniqueness-trunc-Set' = pr2 (center uniqueness-trunc-Set') ``` ### The set truncation of a set is equivalent to the set ```agda module _ {l : Level} (A : Set l) where equiv-unit-trunc-set : type-Set A ≃ type-trunc-Set (type-Set A) equiv-unit-trunc-set = equiv-unit-trunc A ``` ### Distributive of set truncation over coproduct ```agda module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (A : UU l1) (B : UU l2) where abstract distributive-trunc-coproduct-Set : is-contr ( Σ ( equiv-Set ( trunc-Set (A + B)) ( coproduct-Set (trunc-Set A) (trunc-Set B))) ( λ e → ( map-equiv e ∘ unit-trunc-Set) ~ ( map-coproduct unit-trunc-Set unit-trunc-Set))) distributive-trunc-coproduct-Set = uniqueness-trunc-Set ( coproduct-Set (trunc-Set A) (trunc-Set B)) ( map-coproduct unit-trunc-Set unit-trunc-Set) ( λ {l} C → is-equiv-right-factor ( ev-inl-inr (λ x → type-Set C)) ( precomp-Set (map-coproduct unit-trunc-Set unit-trunc-Set) C) ( universal-property-coproduct (type-Set C)) ( is-equiv-comp ( map-product ( precomp-Set unit-trunc-Set C) ( precomp-Set unit-trunc-Set C)) ( ev-inl-inr (λ x → type-Set C)) ( universal-property-coproduct (type-Set C)) ( is-equiv-map-product ( precomp-Set unit-trunc-Set C) ( precomp-Set unit-trunc-Set C) ( is-set-truncation-trunc-Set A C) ( is-set-truncation-trunc-Set B C)))) equiv-distributive-trunc-coproduct-Set : equiv-Set (trunc-Set (A + B)) (coproduct-Set (trunc-Set A) (trunc-Set B)) equiv-distributive-trunc-coproduct-Set = pr1 (center distributive-trunc-coproduct-Set) map-equiv-distributive-trunc-coproduct-Set : hom-Set (trunc-Set (A + B)) (coproduct-Set (trunc-Set A) (trunc-Set B)) map-equiv-distributive-trunc-coproduct-Set = map-equiv equiv-distributive-trunc-coproduct-Set triangle-distributive-trunc-coproduct-Set : ( map-equiv-distributive-trunc-coproduct-Set ∘ unit-trunc-Set) ~ ( map-coproduct unit-trunc-Set unit-trunc-Set) triangle-distributive-trunc-coproduct-Set = pr2 (center distributive-trunc-coproduct-Set) ``` ### Set truncations of Σ-types ```agda module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (A : UU l1) (B : A → UU l2) where abstract trunc-Σ-Set : is-contr ( Σ ( type-trunc-Set (Σ A B) ≃ type-trunc-Set (Σ A (λ x → type-trunc-Set (B x)))) ( λ e → ( map-equiv e ∘ unit-trunc-Set) ~ ( unit-trunc-Set ∘ tot (λ x → unit-trunc-Set)))) trunc-Σ-Set = uniqueness-trunc-Set ( trunc-Set (Σ A (λ x → type-trunc-Set (B x)))) ( unit-trunc-Set ∘ tot (λ x → unit-trunc-Set)) ( λ {l} C → is-equiv-right-factor ( ev-pair) ( precomp-Set (unit-trunc-Set ∘ tot (λ x → unit-trunc-Set)) C) ( is-equiv-ev-pair) ( is-equiv-htpy-equiv ( ( equiv-Π-equiv-family ( λ x → equiv-universal-property-trunc-Set C)) ∘e ( equiv-ev-pair) ∘e ( equiv-universal-property-trunc-Set C)) ( refl-htpy))) equiv-trunc-Σ-Set : type-trunc-Set (Σ A B) ≃ type-trunc-Set (Σ A (λ x → type-trunc-Set (B x))) equiv-trunc-Σ-Set = pr1 (center trunc-Σ-Set) map-equiv-trunc-Σ-Set : type-trunc-Set (Σ A B) → type-trunc-Set (Σ A (λ x → type-trunc-Set (B x))) map-equiv-trunc-Σ-Set = map-equiv equiv-trunc-Σ-Set ``` ### `trunc-Set` distributes over products ```agda module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (A : UU l1) (B : UU l2) where abstract distributive-trunc-product-Set : is-contr ( Σ ( type-trunc-Set (A × B) ≃ (type-trunc-Set A × type-trunc-Set B)) ( λ e → ( map-equiv e ∘ unit-trunc-Set) ~ ( map-product unit-trunc-Set unit-trunc-Set))) distributive-trunc-product-Set = uniqueness-trunc-Set ( product-Set (trunc-Set A) (trunc-Set B)) ( map-product unit-trunc-Set unit-trunc-Set) ( λ {l} C → is-equiv-right-factor ( ev-pair) ( precomp-Set (map-product unit-trunc-Set unit-trunc-Set) C) ( is-equiv-ev-pair) ( is-equiv-htpy-equiv ( ( equiv-universal-property-trunc-Set (Π-Set' B (λ y → C))) ∘e ( equiv-postcomp ( type-trunc-Set A) ( equiv-universal-property-trunc-Set C)) ∘e ( equiv-ev-pair)) ( refl-htpy))) equiv-distributive-trunc-product-Set : type-trunc-Set (A × B) ≃ (type-trunc-Set A × type-trunc-Set B) equiv-distributive-trunc-product-Set = pr1 (center distributive-trunc-product-Set) map-equiv-distributive-trunc-product-Set : type-trunc-Set (A × B) → type-trunc-Set A × type-trunc-Set B map-equiv-distributive-trunc-product-Set = map-equiv equiv-distributive-trunc-product-Set map-inv-equiv-distributive-trunc-product-Set : type-trunc-Set A × type-trunc-Set B → type-trunc-Set (A × B) map-inv-equiv-distributive-trunc-product-Set = map-inv-equiv equiv-distributive-trunc-product-Set triangle-distributive-trunc-product-Set : ( map-equiv-distributive-trunc-product-Set ∘ unit-trunc-Set) ~ ( map-product unit-trunc-Set unit-trunc-Set) triangle-distributive-trunc-product-Set = pr2 (center distributive-trunc-product-Set) ```