# The category of sets ```agda module foundation.category-of-sets where ``` <details><summary>Imports</summary> ```agda open import category-theory.categories open import category-theory.complete-precategories open import category-theory.cones-precategories open import category-theory.constant-functors open import category-theory.functors-precategories open import category-theory.isomorphisms-in-large-precategories open import category-theory.large-categories open import category-theory.large-precategories open import category-theory.limits-precategories open import category-theory.natural-transformations-functors-precategories open import category-theory.precategories open import category-theory.right-extensions-precategories open import category-theory.right-kan-extensions-precategories open import category-theory.terminal-category open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.equality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.function-extensionality open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.fundamental-theorem-of-identity-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.isomorphisms-of-sets open import foundation.multivariable-homotopies open import foundation.raising-universe-levels open import foundation.retractions open import foundation.sections open import foundation.sets open import foundation.strictly-involutive-identity-types open import foundation.unit-type open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation-core.contractible-types open import foundation-core.functoriality-dependent-pair-types ``` </details> ## Idea The **category of [sets](foundation-core.sets.md)** consists of sets and functions. There is a [category](category-theory.categories.md) of sets for each universe level, and there is a [large category](category-theory.large-categories.md) of sets. ## Definitions ### The large precategory of sets ```agda Set-Large-Precategory : Large-Precategory lsuc (_⊔_) obj-Large-Precategory Set-Large-Precategory = Set hom-set-Large-Precategory Set-Large-Precategory = hom-set-Set comp-hom-Large-Precategory Set-Large-Precategory g f = g ∘ f id-hom-Large-Precategory Set-Large-Precategory = id involutive-eq-associative-comp-hom-Large-Precategory Set-Large-Precategory h g f = reflⁱ left-unit-law-comp-hom-Large-Precategory Set-Large-Precategory f = refl right-unit-law-comp-hom-Large-Precategory Set-Large-Precategory f = refl ``` ### The large category of sets ```agda id-iso-Set : {l : Level} {X : obj-Large-Precategory Set-Large-Precategory l} → iso-Large-Precategory Set-Large-Precategory X X id-iso-Set {l} {X} = id-iso-Large-Precategory (Set-Large-Precategory) {l} {X} iso-eq-Set : {l : Level} (X Y : obj-Large-Precategory Set-Large-Precategory l) → X = Y → iso-Large-Precategory Set-Large-Precategory X Y iso-eq-Set = iso-eq-Large-Precategory Set-Large-Precategory is-large-category-Set-Large-Precategory : is-large-category-Large-Precategory Set-Large-Precategory is-large-category-Set-Large-Precategory {l} X = fundamental-theorem-id ( is-contr-equiv' ( Σ (Set l) (equiv-Set X)) ( equiv-tot (equiv-iso-equiv-Set X)) ( is-torsorial-equiv-Set X)) ( iso-eq-Set X) Set-Large-Category : Large-Category lsuc (_⊔_) large-precategory-Large-Category Set-Large-Category = Set-Large-Precategory is-large-category-Large-Category Set-Large-Category = is-large-category-Set-Large-Precategory ``` ### The precategory of small sets ```agda Set-Precategory : (l : Level) → Precategory (lsuc l) l Set-Precategory = precategory-Large-Precategory Set-Large-Precategory ``` ### The category of small sets The precategory of sets and functions in a given universe is a category. ```agda Set-Category : (l : Level) → Category (lsuc l) l Set-Category = category-Large-Category Set-Large-Category is-category-Set-Precategory : (l : Level) → is-category-Precategory (Set-Precategory l) is-category-Set-Precategory l = is-category-Category (Set-Category l) ``` ## Properties ### The precategory of small sets is complete ```agda module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2) (F : functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2))) where type-vertex-limit-Set-Precategory : UU (l1 ⊔ l2) type-vertex-limit-Set-Precategory = natural-transformation-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( constant-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( raise-unit-Set (l1 ⊔ l2))) ( F) is-set-vertex-limit-Set-Precategory : is-set type-vertex-limit-Set-Precategory is-set-vertex-limit-Set-Precategory = is-set-natural-transformation-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( constant-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( raise-unit-Set (l1 ⊔ l2))) ( F) vertex-limit-Set-Precategory : Set (l1 ⊔ l2) vertex-limit-Set-Precategory = natural-transformation-set-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( constant-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( raise-unit-Set (l1 ⊔ l2))) ( F) component-limit-Set-Precategory : (x : obj-Precategory C) → hom-Precategory (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( vertex-limit-Set-Precategory) ( obj-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) F x) component-limit-Set-Precategory c τ = hom-family-natural-transformation-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( constant-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( raise-unit-Set (l1 ⊔ l2))) ( F) ( τ) ( c) ( raise-star) cone-limit-Set-Precategory : cone-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) F cone-limit-Set-Precategory = make-cone-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) F ( vertex-limit-Set-Precategory) ( component-limit-Set-Precategory) ( λ f → eq-htpy λ τ → inv ( htpy-eq ( naturality-natural-transformation-Precategory ( C) ( Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( constant-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( raise-unit-Set (l1 ⊔ l2))) ( F) ( τ) ( f)) ( raise-star))) map-inv-cone-map-limit-Set-Precategory : (d : obj-Precategory (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2))) → natural-transformation-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( constant-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) d) ( F) → (hom-Precategory (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) d vertex-limit-Set-Precategory) pr1 (map-inv-cone-map-limit-Set-Precategory d φ l) x (map-raise star) = hom-family-natural-transformation-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( constant-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) d) F φ x l pr2 (map-inv-cone-map-limit-Set-Precategory d φ l) {x} {y} f = eq-htpy λ { (map-raise star) → htpy-eq (naturality-natural-transformation-Precategory C ( Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( constant-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) d) F φ f) ( l)} is-section-cone-map-limit-Set-Precategory : (d : obj-Precategory (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2))) → is-section ( cone-map-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) F cone-limit-Set-Precategory d) ( map-inv-cone-map-limit-Set-Precategory d) is-section-cone-map-limit-Set-Precategory d φ = eq-htpy-hom-family-natural-transformation-Precategory ( C) ( Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( constant-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) d) ( F) ( _) ( φ) ( λ x → eq-htpy λ l → refl) is-retraction-cone-map-limit-Set-Precategory : (d : obj-Precategory (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2))) → is-retraction ( cone-map-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) F cone-limit-Set-Precategory d) ( map-inv-cone-map-limit-Set-Precategory d) is-retraction-cone-map-limit-Set-Precategory d φ = eq-htpy λ l → eq-htpy-hom-family-natural-transformation-Precategory ( C) ( Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( constant-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) ( raise-unit-Set (l1 ⊔ l2))) ( F) ( _) ( _) ( λ f → eq-htpy λ {(map-raise star) → refl}) is-limiting-cone-Set-Precategory : is-limiting-cone-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) F cone-limit-Set-Precategory is-limiting-cone-Set-Precategory φ = is-equiv-is-invertible ( map-inv-cone-map-limit-Set-Precategory φ) ( is-section-cone-map-limit-Set-Precategory φ) ( is-retraction-cone-map-limit-Set-Precategory φ) limit-Set-Precategory : limit-Precategory C (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) F pr1 limit-Set-Precategory = cone-limit-Set-Precategory pr2 limit-Set-Precategory = is-limiting-cone-Set-Precategory is-complete-Set-Precategory : (l1 l2 : Level) → is-complete-Precategory l1 l2 (Set-Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2)) is-complete-Set-Precategory l1 l2 C F = limit-Set-Precategory C F ``` ## Comments Since sets are equivalent to their set-truncations, the category of sets forms a [full subprecategory](category-theory.full-large-subprecategories.md) of the homotopy precategory of types. ## See also - [Presheaf categories](category-theory.presheaf-categories.md) ## External links - [Set](https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/Set) at $n$Lab - [Category of sets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category_of_sets) at Wikipedia